In the vast field of women's health, one notorious disturbance often affects women's quality of life: hot flushes. Primarily associated with menopause, these sudden heat rises disrupt the daily lives of 8 million French women for an average of 7 years. Let's delve into the subject, examine its possible origins, and explore the various ways of controlling them.

What are hot flashes?

Menopause causes a drop in estrogen levels, which disrupts body temperature regulation, generating hot flushes that can appear as early as pre-menopause and persist into post-menopause.

Hot flushes are characterized by a sudden rise in temperature in the face, neck and chest, accompanied by sweating and flushing. They occur unpredictably between 1 and 15 times a day for the women concerned, disrupting their daily lives during menopause, pre-menopause and even post-menopause, with variations in frequency and intensity.

How to identify hot flashes?

These episodes result from the dilation of small blood vessels due to the hormonal imbalance of menopause, causing a sudden sensation of intense heat. They are often accompanied by flushing, excessive sweating, heart palpitations, shivering, and can even cause malaise. Their nocturnal appearance, known as "night sweats", disrupts sleep, leading to fatigue and irritability, with intensity varying from person to person.

Adapting your daily routine to control hot flashes

  • Modify your lifestyle: Alcohol consumption, smoking, spicy foods and medication can also trigger hot flushes in response to various stimuli. Play sports

  • Manage stress: relaxation exercises, such as meditation, can help reduce stress and anxiety, thus helping to alleviate hot flushes.
  • Stay hydrated every day: Drink small sips of ice-cold water as soon as a hot flush appears to relieve symptoms.
  • Sports: walking, cycling, running, etc. help to regulate hormones and therefore hot flushes. More gentle forms of sport, such as yoga, can help reduce the onset of hot flushes.

The Athana device, a French innovation that relieves hot flashes

The Athana device is applied to the bust

The Athana device is a portable "electronic ice cube" that relieves hot flashes in seconds, using cryotherapy, a natural cold therapy.

Simply switch on the device and apply the cold part to your neck, chest or wrists to feel the cold soothe away hot flushes.

During a hot flush, skin temperature rises due to hormonal imbalance. To counteract this phenomenon, the Athana device diffuses waves of cold between 5 and 10°C over the body's heat-sensitive zones. Within seconds, skin temperature drops, redness disappears and sweating stops.

Drug-free, hormone-free

Athana uses cryotherapy, or cold wellness. A natural, chemical-free and odorless alternative.

Anywhere, anytime

In the office, at home or out and about, use Athana to relieve your daily hot flushes.

Long autonomy

The device recharges by battery, taking 40 minutes to relieve 20 hot flushes.

Relieve hot flashes in less than 10 seconds

With Athana, soothe your hot flashes in the cold or when you're hot.

An answer

  1. Hello,
    I suffer from nocturnal hot flashes that prevent me from getting my 8 hours of sleep (for 3 years). I wake up many times during the night.
    Sometimes I sleep and wake up every hour.
    Will your device help me in this case? Will I have to apply it X times a night?
    Thank you for your help.

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